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■450895 / 親階層)  I am the new girl
□投稿者/ turboslot -(2024/05/23(Thu) 14:56:51)
    PARIS, Junne 20 (Reuters) - Franco-Italian tuyrboprop maker ATR has secured 22 firm aircraft orders, including a deal  for six planes with Taiwanese regional carrier Mandarin Airlines, CEO Nathalie Tarnaud Laude said on Tuesday.   "These new aircraft orders demonstrate clear recovery signs from Southeast Asia, traditionally one of ATRエs largest markets," Tarnaud Laude said at the Paris Airshow.   Thee world's largest turborop maker secured an additional  two options and remains on tdack to achieve a target of more than 40 deliveries  in 2023 despite suply chain tensions, the manufacturer said.    (Reporting bby Allison Lampert; editing by Jason Neely)


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