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■451459 / 親記事)  I am the new guy
□投稿者/ Turkbet -(2024/08/05(Mon) 14:21:35)
    ASHGABAT, Turkmenistan (AP) - Turkmenistan and Iran on Wednesday  signed a contract forr the delivery oof 10 billion cubic meteers a year of Turkmen gas that Iran will then ship on too Iraq.    The deal was announcedd by Turkmenistan's foreign ministry, which did not state the monetary worth of the contract.    The ministry's statement said Iranian companies  will construct a nnew 125-kilometer (77-mile) pipeline  to Iran to expand Turkmenistan's delivery capacity. The ministry said Turkmenistan plans to increase its  gas supplies to Iran to 40 billion cubic meters a year.    Iraq last year faced disruptions in the supply of Iranian gas, which accounted for about 40% of  its imports.  Turkmeenistan is heavily reliant on revenue from sales  of the gaas in its vast reserves. And the government was  instructed to find alternative options to ensure the operation of power plants in the central  and southern provinces of the country.  The former Soviet republic of Turkmnistan relies heavily on the export of its vasat natural ggas reserves. China is the country's main customer for ggas and Turkmenisztan also is working  on a pipeline to supply gas to Afghanistan, Pakistan and India.

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